Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Death Be not Proud!

Heh. I know, Haven't updated in a while. Just be grateful I'm doing it NOW, peepz! *growls* So, What can I say? I made it through the end of the quarter, though it was a struggle, and I honestly don't think I did that well...Phooey. Anywhoo, Am home now, NOT working for the evil empire (Disney) and loving life. I have all sorts of free time for tea drinking, cookie making, present wrapping...etc. Oh, and let's not forget knitting, reading, decorating the tree...blogging, writing letters to friends, filling out study abroad applications...

Already I've broken Mom's sugar pot from japan(and replaced it), finished my "space between stars" story...mostly, and am now blogging! So proud of myself. *buffs nails with chipped red nail polish on shirt* HA! Take THAT!

I read the booklet about Aunt Shirley's memorial service, and REALLY liked this poem:

Death Be Not Proud
Death be not proud, thou some have called thee
Mighty and dreadfull,for, thou art not soe,
For, those, whome think'st, thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill mee;
From rest and sleepe, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure, then from thee, much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee doe goe,
Rest of their bones, and soules deliverie.
Thou'art slave to Fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poyson, warre, and sicknesse dwell,
And poppie,'or charmes can make us sleepe as well,
And better then they stroake; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleepe past, we wake eternally,
And death shall be no more, Death thou shalt die.
~John Donne, 1633

And With that, I'm out! (MoM's gotta use the computer)

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

SMITE ON! Brave students!

*Breathes deep sigh of relief and satisfaction* HA! I managed to figure out the last c++homework without ahki's help! (Not that he was interested in helping me...) Buuut, Jason and the genious computer guy helped me in the PIC lab. But STILL, I got it to work in the end!! And I didn't have to have anyone write my code for me!! YAHOOOOO!

Unfortunate that I couldn't have made it to aunt Shirley's memorial service. I miss her already. I hope UBEE is ok... Thanksgiving was lovely; all the cousins except the dietzes at aunt Kates...eating. Oh, and since Scott took back that bitch shaun, their whole family wasn't invited to aunt Kates. (She's hurt aunt kate and U. roger too many times, fucked up crazy schizophrenic psycho!). But, I did get to see ryan and derric on saturday and sunday after thanksgiving. And so did the carmitchaels.

So sad--they're so needy. And SO unhappy. Ryan's getting bad grades in school....probably because he doesn't do his homework...but I wouldn't do it either if I had to hang around at home with some psycho lady. I'd go skateboarding all the time, or something. ANYTHING. I really wish that mom would offer to let them come over after school to do homework and stuff; sort of like provide them with some incentive to study and shit. Our house is really quiet without Juliana and I there...and there's plenty of desks, a stereo....I think it'd help a lot. Couldn't hurt derrick either.

It's kinda cool tho--- that I can hang out with my younger cousins now, since they're in high school and stuff now, and a LOT more mature... Nice! On friday, we all went down to the boat, and walked around (with the required visit to Mickey's for some icecream) and stuff. Very nice to be able to actually hold a fun conversation with them.

Finished my 20 page paper tuesday (am) after working the late shift...I didn't sleep at all, except for about a period of 30 minutes (a nap)...so I slept eight hours yesterday afternoon....and I STILL was able to get my code program to work... Wow. Now, all I have to do is my powerpoint presentation for tomorrow... AND, go see the ucla symphony's performance of Handel's "messiah" with my big sis...augh! What a busy life I lead....Ooooooh, and I'll pick up my paycheck...yesh!

Better go~~ no time to waste!
(Have you noticed how my grammar, spelling, and punctuation progressively gets worse, the less time I have?)