Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Well, I’m back with lots of goodies. First, I’m posting this letter I sent to all my buddies, just because it’s amusing and I figured it’d help people figure out if they were at the right blog. Grrr. Evil blogspot lost my last trial of posting this, so this one ain’t as amusing. Phooey. Here goes:
ALLRIGHT EVERYONE! It's that time of the year again.... (No, i don't mean it's Christmas. Geeze, gullible gits, aren't you!) No, oh privileged ones, it's time for another completely INSANE email update from LAINE! Which should, of course, spawn a series of replies from you all...we do hope! And we do mean SPAWN. Like Fish. So, GO TO IT! YESH, YOU.
Soooo, What's happening? Well, let's see. Laine has joined a sorority (Alpha Epsilon Phi) and met some wonderful people. One of these people is her big sis' Bridget, a music major/flute player, as well as julie, sarah, heather, and the rest of her frickin' PLEDGE CLASS HOTTIES! Yes, Elaine is slightly insane, so don't worry about any pretenses of sanity.
Laine has also joined the sailing team and sailed mondays wednesdays and fridays last quarter and is now sailing every day but wednesday this quarter, conceivably. She sails with Brent, her own personal sex slave, whoops, I meant Crew....and skipper on windy days. (We have jokes about his liking the female domination thing, hee hee hee). Recently (two weekends ago), She shipped out with the UCLA sailing team for a weekend of fulsome frolic at Santa Barbara. We of course, disclaim any drinking or crazy dancing until three am which MIGHT have occurred (did) during that weekend... There were no hangover's involved, so nobody should have any concerns, right? hee hee hee LOL. The sailing was pretty good too...incidentally. Hey, if anyone has Phil's email, tell him to gimme my cd case the next time I see him...=D
Laine Made it through quarter numero dos with few problems, after taking a rigorous THREE...(count them)... THREE classes. They were history of latin america, spanish 5, and Environmental science m1B Wow, Laine is a slackmeister. But! No slacking this quarter, with a total of four classes: Spanish 6, computer science 2, a three hour environmental science seminar, and a japanese/russian/english gender studies class. Wow, interesting stuff. Laine came back from the first day of the computer class with an understanding of binary basic, and then proceeded to figure out how to program the words "YOUR MOTHERBOARD IS A WHORE" to her immense delight (and lots of giggling and snorting) and then posted it in her aim profile for all to enjoy. =D (like we said, standard disclaimers for the insanity clause). Go see it at HWTEgrl.
GUESS WHAT?!?! You can't, can you? Pathetic, whimpering fools. NOW YOU SHALL KNOW THE ANSWER TO IT ALLLLLL!!!! Okay, no, but there is good news and bad news. What? What's that you say? Oh, you want the good news. Well, I think that I've gotten a concrete idea of the majors that I want: Poly Sci with a concentration in international relations, and Environmental Engineering. WITH minors in spanish and computer science. Wow, am I crazy or what. Yeah, thanks. Quit nodding your heads! Geeze, no love. Bad news...well, lets just say BUSH. That about sums it all up for me. I sure as hell don't support our war of aggression, but, feeling sorry for all our troops overseas, I support THEM. So would you if you were in their shoes...you'd hope for someone to want you to come home safe and alive. We all Hope sarah's fiance makes it back in GRRRRRRREAT shape...eheh heh heh. Sorry, am dirty minded too.
Laine is POSTITIVE that you will be tittilated (whee!) to know that she has taught herself how to knit. That's right, knit. Her current project, originally planned as a griffindor scarf, is much too wide and incidentally, are the wrong colors here at UCLA (*red and gold are anathema....USC colors, ya kno'). So, perhaps it will become a shawl or wall hanging or something. *sighs* She also has adopted a small plot of ornamental grass...its about three inches high today.
All is once again right in the world...well, ok, Laine's room/world. Laine's feelings of beneficience have once again descended after a much needed week of spring break frolic (lots of sewing of handbags and sleeping) and she is no longer desirous of killing or maiming any of her roomies. This is a good thing. Living in a closet with two other people is not fun. Try it sometime, we suggest. See if you are driven to further heights of insanity too. (I know, i was already insane BEFORE so...) Hmmm. Laine also made off like a bandit (^^) with lots of food and goodies to stock the dorm room pantry, so that also helps her attitude. Have we mentioned that food is good? Speaking of food, UCLA now has the number one dorm food in the nation. Anyone want to visit me now? HE HE HE
Laine still enjoys playing her violin, and has a new friend, Jolee (love ya, chica!) who gets Laine international Stamps(!!). Ah, the joys of college life. It is now the THIRD time that Laine has redecorated her room, including several new plants that were house-sat for a friend over spring break and haven't been returned. YeT. Maybe She'll just plant-nap them for good, who knows! Laine has also fallen in love with her mini zen sand garden sitting on top of her printer. Hooray for zen! =D)
The birthday of elaine was very nice--low key. Laine LOVED getting cards from krystle, Heather and Julie. LOVE YOU! THANK YOU! And, best of all, Laine got PIZZA on her birthday for dinner! It has now taken her approximately 19 years to have this achievement...never having had such a thing happen before. And, to think, all it took was a lazy mom who didn't want to cook on monday night!!!
And now, your favorite portion of this extremely long rant:
Hey, Tara, wanna come visit me? Puh-LEEEEZE! Even if you don't wanna go here...come make me feel loved, eh? Yesh? Hmmm. Hey, sexxy hot chica in SD, loves ya, loves ya! We be gettin' down in da hood sista---'cept i'm from the burbs...I got a 43 on the ghetto survey. Booo! Hmmm. To the lady of colombia, aka drug queen (ah ha ha ha--that's a joke, get it?) WASSSSSUP!?!? How'sit hangin'? I haven't heard a peep from you in SO long. Heck, nor from pantea or anyone else except for tyler, who loves me very much. And who is definitely going to the blue man group with me IF I HAFTA STAND IN LINE AT THE GAWRSH-DANGED WILTERN!! (Because I don't know where it is yet, but I'll find it once i get off my lazy ass.) And rachelle must come too.
Hey, speaking of fun stuff you mightn't of heard about, did you know there's a "rhps"-like moulin rouge (shit, can't spell either) showing down in westwood? Everyone dresses up and dances the night away...and the theatre is decorated SO cool! Wowzers. Am going, if they are still doing it this month. I missed doing it in March. Too busy stuffing my head up my.....or something.
Till, How is it over in Italy? Is it crazy like here with lots of protesters and some pyromaniacs starting fires and people getting arrested and helicopters distracting irritated students trying to study for finals? (This is a recap of several events that I've heard about in the USA...) That was two weeks ago, and they're still going on. Crazy. I think I'll have to go to one, just to see.
Hey, on a random note, I GOT A TAN! I'm not dark, just a shade less white than my usual "nuclear flash bright-whiteness" and it feels good. Oh yeah, baby! No funky tan lines or anything. This hot CA weather the past few days has been great for sunbathing and swimming. Brent, MAH HOMIE, WASSSUP IN YO' CRIB, YO! Email me back already! I'm impatient....*fingers tapping* Cheryl...How's it going? Any cool job prospects or classes lately? How did your arcitecture class go? Giuli, Hope you are well, since I haven't heard from you in a while...
On a romantic note, nothing to say, currently. You nosy punks you! I love ya anyhow, despite the lack of news on Elaine's love life. Oh, and THANK YOU GAJILLIONS AUNTIE KATE FOR THE FABRIC!!! Can we say, "Oh, Whooopieeee!" (think with thick british accent) I'm so excited, I'm gonna jiggle myself off my chair here. =D *clunk* Whoops.
Okay, I think I'd better let you all go, before the "freedom fries" come and attack me. I told you I was insane, right? right? right? I told you I was Insane, riiiiight? Oh god, make it stop! But before the apocalypse now comes and destroys our planet (its too late for us anyways) I'm going to go.
'Laine the Insane
(who can't spell)
MMMmmmMMmmMMMMmm. These cookies and tea are good. Uhoh, I'm out of tea!
Ok, so there ya go! Good shit there. Yup. Oh, hey, here's the funny AIM binary basic code...essentially:

#H#X11001*1111*10101*10010#1101*1111*10100*1000*101*10010*10*1111*1*10010*100#1001*10011#1#10111*1000*1111*10010*101#!X That's computer for "your motherboard is a WHORE!"

Anybody think I've got too much free time on my hands? And so, to add on the the fun stuff, here’s some of the funny Bush-Bashing sites I found on the web...and a couple sobering ones. If you don’t agree with them, don’t flame me. I Honestly DON’T care if you disagree. This blog is solely MY opinion.....but if you’re a close personal friend, flame away! Here ya go, run buck wild!


And now, a final thought for the night brought to you courtesy of the really awesome http://www.dailyzen.com!

The birds have vanished into the sky,
And now the last cloud drains away.
We sit together, the mountain and me,
Until only the mountain remains.
- Li T’ai-po (701-?)


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