Wednesday, October 29, 2003

HAHAAAAA! All Hill Halloween is the best EVER.
I wore my crazy geisha costume, and with the help of a little white makeup borrowed from Jamason, I was fuckin' SCARY!!! I put a black sheet in front of our door...and stood there without moving. Ha ha, so many kids SCREAMED when I moved....What fun! And I wasn't even trying to be scary. Wheeee! I so want to post pictures....What a total blast. The whole floor was really cool...Hope we can post pictures somewhere... Oh boy oh boy!

Kids are gone now...Must go study for midterm. My candy ran out pretty fast too. Roomie is mad at me because I wouldn't let her just sit and eat the candy... I took it away from her! She had eaten most of it anyway. Dunno Why she was so grouchy.

Heck, I was grouchy at her from last night when I was trying to sleep b4 work and she like totally had Sarah come over and they sat there TALKING. Arrrg. I sleep light, you know? so OF COURSE, I woke up. ARRG. Finally I got up and staggered to the study lounge, but the people in there were talking too....and so were all the people in the hall decorating for halloween. So, I gave up. I helped decorate for Halloween! And Our floor looked TOTALLY cool...

So now, must go. Study, pee, wash makeup off my face. WHOHOOO! Fun starts tomorrow! Yay for sisters who visit!


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