Monday, October 20, 2003

Dude, this has got to be one of the worst Monday nights ever. I mean, I really thought that sorority meetings couldn't have gotten any worse, but honestly, WHAT THE FUCK!!? You'd think that with a relatively intelligent bunch of college women would actually know how to vote and pass a motion with the whole sorority by-laws thing. But NOooo, they had to take like fuckin TWO hours to try (notice i said try) to pass TWO simple amendments to the bylaws (which is like the sorority constitution)...Here they are:

"All candidates for the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, External, Recruitment Chair, Internal Social Chair, new member educator, house manager, scholarship chair and philanthropy chair must live in the chapter residence."

Oh, and the second one:

"The candidate for President shall have been active for at least one year and have served in another Executive office previously for at least one quarter."

C'mon people, you can agree on this shit. Just quit making stupid inane comments and freakin' VOTE on the motions that you second. Don't dick around and let more people make stupid comments when they shouldn't. Jeeezus, don't the prez and vp know how to RUN a voting meeting? I wanted to kill something. Repeatedly.

Oh, and the best part? I kept raising my hand to make a sensible movement...and waiting patiently with my hand up and my fuckin' mouth SHUT, and they'd never call on me, or they'd ignore me. I'm sorry, that pisses me off. So finally I just stood up and yelled at everyone to be quiet and that some people really needed to get out of there. Like me. I had to work tonight, you know? Some girls didn't really like it, and were like "it isn't necessary to yell" but that's total bullshit. When you don't respect me, and talk while I'm talking, I'm NOT GONNA RESPECT YOUR FUCKIN' ASS!!

So, I really didn't feel bad about yelling; I was probably the only person who had complete silence for what I wanted to say. HA! And I HOPE that I offended some people. Most of the dumbasses shouldn't have been opening their mouths anyhow...The seniors were right on most of the time, but really, all of us could have avoided inanely repeating shit over and over.

I finally peaced out with Sarah (who gave me a ride) at like eleven thirty. Then i had like an hour of delayed reaction rage/frustration. Roomie helped a lot with my desire to disembowel anyone resembling a member of my sorority. Hee hee, guys in the hall thought my anger was pretty funny. Yeah, just gimme a pencil...I'll shove, whups, I mean SHOW you how funny it was....

But then the thing that really brings the shit home to roost is the fact that I had to work the late shift at Hedrick too. Which I specifically asked NOT to do monday, since I have an eye appointment at 830 hours tomorrow morning, and don't really wanna be all bloodshot-eyes-girl. Damn. But I'm gonna be. So, here I am, using the super cool Calvin (hee hee, just like calvin and hobbes)'s computer. I brought my knitting, worked on it, brought my sketchbook, did nothing, and am avoiding doing anything remotely like homework or reading. Yeah.

Oh, had my spanish essay today. He finally found my folder with my draft copies in it and gave it back to me....and totally corrected the wrong copy of my paper. So, of course it was horrible (the exact copy, not my first revision) and he wrote that I should consider dropping the class since I was having such major problems writing...with like my feminine/masculine agreements and pronouns. Hello? Any first draft is gonna suck. The revisions are where the good emerges from the foolscap. DUH. But now I'm paranoid, so I'm gonna go revise it a final time (and get some help from Julie) and turn it in.

Tomorrow is my enviro class. I still need to come up with a synopsis for my paper, and to start getting together an outline. Which is a problem, since I have some sources, but most of my bookmarks were on my computer, and It is just NOT booting up at all. Damn, life sucks. Oh, and I totally haven't started my pic 10 homework.

Movies I must see: (calvin has agreed) Kill bill. Yup. Must see it. I want to see silly senseless violence and spurting blood!!! What an exciting thought. (And how fucked up is our society today, that we think that is amusing? Ah well, who cares!!?)

Music of the Moment: Linkin Park Reanimation, and Calvin's mix october 12, 2003.
Good times, good times. Calvin is a pretty cool guy. Evidently he has a webpage and a blog too: and his blog is just sweet. gotta remember to go check those out sometime.

Took tylenol for headache after I came home from meeting. Roomie let me steal her bread and meat to make a sandwitch. I love my roomie, I really do.

Ha---HA! I'm almost done with my shift, just about 47 minutes left before we can start breaking down the station and heading out for the night. What a marvelous thought-sleep I mean. Sleep may be for the weak, but hey, I like being weak!! I really really do.


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