Sunday, November 02, 2003

God, it's absolutely a beautiful day. Despite having to wake up at the ungodly hour of eight am, and discovering that I needed to be at the House by 845, and rushing to get ready....It was lovely. Pictures went okay, despite me looking like crap (in my opinion). did not get much in the way of breakfast today, but did have munchie stuff from presents lunch. Am far to lazy and cold (I think) to go to presents this year.

Had a lovely time walking back from the house in my litle green warmers--with my big red jacket on. Haa haa! Some guy stopped me and asked why everyone was wearing red and white dresses. Turns out he was a CS major, back in the seventies when they had to use punch cards and fortran. Wow. He said they called Bunche "the waffle" because of the shape of the windows.

Red sunset tonight. Crisp and cool out today--not too bad. I love autumn weather. It makes me want to dress all "back-easty".

The only bad part? Am starving, AND I have to work the fuckin' freeeeeezing late shift tonight. Why, oh why does my life suck so bad? ERRRRG. Note to self: kill sam one for hedrick. The fuckin prick gave me the same schedule as last week, which is TOTALLY inconvenient. Damn. Die, prick, DIE!! After din, I'm gonna get some sleep. Fuuuuck.

Laundry amoeba on my desk will not go away. Too lazy to put it away. Oh well. Oooh, need to change bed, get MONEY so I can wash my sheets....grrrrr. Fuckers need to PAY my paycheck. ARRRRG. ah well. Food, then sleep and I'll feel better, despite impending evil spanish paper tomorrow.

It can all kiss my ass. Ah, the view is lovely out my window. I think I'll go stare at it for a while as my stomache roils for food. Bye now!


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