Thursday, January 13, 2005


Guilt, Guilt, GUILT!

Have not written in FOREVER, due probably to a load of apathy and depression. Yuck with that. Am now thankfully back, feeling better, updating once again.

New News with ME:

Have taken the position of "Director of House Affairs" (read:general house stoolie/manager) at my sorority. Somedays, I get the feeling that I'm drowning. Bleh. However, Job is not without perks, so it'll be interesting and a learning experience at least. My desk downstairs near my computer (hereafter referred to as "compy") has become a paper amoeba. Yikes! And, every time that I turn around, MORE things are broken, smelly, or too hot. Get the feeling that I am supposed to walk on water, turn rocks into bread, and generally fix everything. (Are you catching my sarcasm?)

Finally got all my classes. What a relief! Will try to get into one more...must go petition in order to do that though. Have I mentioned that I hate Murphy Hall and all the bureaucracy here at UCLA? Eurg.

Am still NOT 21 yet.

Have no boyfriend.

Have bought NONE of my textbooks. Am going to try to avoid doing so. For one of my classes (enviro m153) I have 13 BOOKS! Hmm. I say copying for educational purposes is perfectly alright, don't you? heh heh heh. Have started a Yahoo group for that purpose for the class.

Need more sleep than I'm actually getting. At least, that's what it feels like whenever I drag my ass out of my NEW comfy LOWER BUNK!!! Or that could just be the fact that my bed is fucking comfy as all hell. Yay for comfy beds.

The roof around here leaks like a mofo. Marvelous, JUST Mar-ve-lous.

Have requested a sanity check. Has bounced. Drat.

Have to go to the doctor's, as have fucked up left knee somehow. Have trouble walking, climbing and descending stairs. Yay for the fucking cripple.

Have new GREEN and PINK wallet, x-mas gift from friend Heather. Love it, love it, LOVE IT. Can put everything in the damn thing without worries. Now, to find a good little change purse with a snap closure. hmmm.

New bag to go to class with. Cost me six bucks at Sak's Fifth Outlet, which is incidently where my new job is. Huzzah!

Spent Tuesday tabling on Bruinwalk, freezing ass off in the shade, drinking tea, HOPING futilely for people to approach us. Bust. FTS.

Attended COB (that's "Casual Open Bidding" for all you non frat/sorority types) events on Monday, Wendnesday, and other days. Whohoo, they went well, despite me spending Monday in the kitchen, making sure the chocolate fondue stuff didn't burn down the house and not being able to talk to anyone.

Goddamn idiot that I am, forgot to get compy paper at home (went home last weekend after two days of insanity fixing everything in sight that I could around the House--couldn't take it, would have bitten someone if they had made just ONE more complaint...) and had to buy more. Shit, shit, cost me a ridiculous 7 bucks. Yet Another FTS.

Good news is that my budgeting seems to be working well. Err, that is, except for the fact that I'm not sure where to store my envelope of money that needs to be doled out. Grah! Maybe in my dresser? My organizer? I certainly don't want to carry it around and get mugged for it. Bleh, I'm already cripple--I don't need any MORE bruises. (Aside from the one's I've already got from running into assorted furniture fixtures.)

Need a haircut badly.

Am hungry. (Wait, that's not really anything new...)

Did I mention my sanity check bounced?

Have resolved not to miss my sanity.

Now have Yahoo email, at Am not to be relied upon to check it regularly. Now have FOUR email accounts: eclong, lainlong, Laineylong, and Lanenkar. Check two of those regularly, the others sporadically.

Have no life, whatsoever.

May have inadvertently become part of an IM basketball team with Julie. Sounds like fun, except for my Cripple problem. Which shall hopefully be resolved tomorrow. Hm.

Gave in to evil corporate pressure and bought a starbucks card with 15 bucks on it. Don't crucify me! Please!

Need Prozac (nothing new).

Have checked all email addresses, OCD-style.

Have not watched tv for at LEAST two months. Amazing!

Have started re-reading The Hobbit. Am reminded of why I absolutely LOVED it before. What a great author that guy is. =D

Mental note: go to anime club in Rolfe, dumbass.

Need food, therefore, rest of this post shall be foregone in my search for such commodities.



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