Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Finals Week Fiddling

Well, the compy has reached a state of dubious function. As in, I plugged it in somewhere else. Now my job for the new year is to re-wire my circuit (near my desk) so that it doesn't short out all the time and cause my poor little compy to crash.

As I'm thinking about it, I could use a good name for this compy. Something vaguely rude that I could yell at it when it misbehaves. Right.

Wrote an essay on the movie AMELIE yesterday. Evidently it was fairly entertaining, according to Jess v.. I sure hope so, or else I'm really fucked. Whatever, I'm always really fucked--nothing new there.

Can you believe that in a house full of 35 women, NOT ONE of them had the dvd for AMELIE. WTF?!?! That's like the biggest chick flick EVER. Okay, so it's not american...not in English...but so WHAT?! Bunch of American snobs. I had to download it from somewhere just to watch it. Four words: PITB.

Mental note for today: Make bed, water cactus garden...remember to eat as much as I drink. Tea-drinking is becoming a problem--I keep having to pee all the time. Well, at least I'm getting exercise-when I'm not working on my compy.

Something really wierd yesterday: I kept having trouble breathing. I kept yawning all the time, trying to get more air---like I couldn't breathe. Maybe it was the top I was wearing? I don't know, but I had a heck of a time trying to go to sleep last night. Blearg. I had to consciously keep telling myself to relax. Or maybe it's due to my bad posture, sitting at my desk? Not sure.

Have updated my christmas list (in the right hand column)--but I forgot to add that I'd really like a flat-screen monitor for my computer. Then I could actually USE my desk for paperwork, and not have it sort of "migrate" amoeba-style onto the floor nearbye. Such a pain. Seems the pile never seems to go away. Gotta clean it before dad picks me up. And other things as well. Heck, I need to pack...but that'll come later. grag!

Alright, must stop procrastinating. Off to work/study I go. Wish me luck!


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