Sunday, July 04, 2004

Sunburn, work,!

Ha ha, that was GREAT! I totally spent my fourth of july day getting a light sunburn out in the De Neve Turnaround, working parking shifts. Oh, and we can't forget heading up the hill from 1-330pm for bus and traffic control for all the spoiled little summer (sexual) discovery kids. Ha ha ha.

OOOH! Or the running down to lot four driving like a crazy mofo with Christian to see (and laugh at) all the playboy bunnie/bimbos. HA HA HA! They were so skanky, it was pathetic. I wanted to tell them to put some clothes on, or else, as matt nixt puts it "I hope they get pregnant, the whores!!" Except, he was talking about the bratty little summer discovery whores. Ha ha ha.

Add onto that stealing multiple ice creams in the afternoon for all my coworkers, eating dinner all together in Covel...yum! So satisfactory to wear your work shirt, radio, and walk out, carrying all sorts of food from the dining hall. Basically spent the day hanging out in the sun, with Matt, Hong, Christian, Junji and Anna (in the morning) and talking. Fun! And now, I'll be off again to work real soon.

Oooh, and oodles of luv and LML for the little sis..she was sweet enough to call me and wish me a happy fourth! Awww, I <3 toes!

Ps: Keep forgetting to call back heather and Julie. Damn me. Well, Hope they're having a good fourth!!

Allright, that's it! PEACE! I'm going back to work!


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