Tuesday, February 07, 2006

If you can read this, fuck you.

Heh. Today's tuesday, which means its my super long day. Blearg.

However, today was actually very interesting. In my INS class, we visited IMP 1--the first computer used to create a connection in the creation of the internet. Dr. Kleinrock was very interesting. Haha, he even showed us the log book where they recorded the message that they had managed to connect to another IMP up in San Francisco. Cool. The rest of you who aren't science geeks, just ignore my mumbling. It's all greek to you anyways.

Have realized, reading through past blog entries, that my blog is not the most user friendly interface for all readers. Listen you fuckers, if I wanted it to be all sweetness and light, I wouldn't have even started it in the first place. It's where I pour out all my vituperous honesty. You don't like it? Go fucking die. Or, you could be a responsible web user and leave me a message--feedback about what I'd written. Then I could address your concerns directly, by telling you to Fuck OFF.

Oh, you don't like hearing that? Well, too bad. I write what I think. I try not to be too specific (but some people are just so fucking dumb and irritating that I can't be anything BUT specific), sometimes I even succeed. (At not vicarously killing anyone through my cathartic explosions). If you can't handle what I write, you stupid, sissy-ish pansies, then go somewhere else.

After all, God granted you enough free will (you blathering numbskull) to go and NOT read my blog...and, incidently, enough to also go fuck yourself. Which I really hope you do.
Obviously you need some sort of stimulus, since you haven't enough intellect to be stimulated...intellectually.

Of course, if you're of the same opinion as I am, then you know how little intelligence you have...which is wasted by my warnings to you. Still. Never let it be said that I'm not TRYING to warn you. So here's the warning: If you don't want to see grouchy, nasty meanderings posted by me (or if you don't even like me...psh, like I give a fuck if you do or not) then DON'T CLICK ON THE LINK TO READ MY WEBPAGE FROM FACEBOOK OR ANY OTHER LOCATION. Jeeeeeeze, how hard is that to figure out.

I Hope some of you eventually get the message.

And despite the opinions of other people, maybe this will all work out. (They have the right idea...expose all the craziness you've done...then who can say anything against you?)

As long as you crawl back into whatever hole you came out of and just do us all a favor, here on the world wide web, and DIE. WE value free speech, thank you very much.

Or at least I do.

If you don't, well, I'm not sorry.


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