Saturday, July 15, 2006

Ahhh, I love saturday mornings!

It's a lovely saturday morning here in LA. Supposed to be 79 today. Right now, I'm just grateful that it's cool.

I went to bed really early last night (pre-9pm) and slept until 6:30am-ish today. Finally, I stopped lolling in bed, got up, took a shower, shaved the leggies (whohoo), and then made hot coco, instant cereal, and watered all my plants (and dirt) in front of the apartment with the hose. I have to say that "bananna nut bread" is not my favorite flavor of instant cereal. Bleeeeh. I also cleaned my room made my bed, cleaned my desk, put clean laundry away, put dirty laundry away (sunday is lauuundry daay!)... the whole nine yards.

I guess rooomie went home last night. She came in at about 8:24pm last night, wanting to know if I would "go out into the living room and watch tv for a while"...aka, willingly sexile myself so that she could get some "action" on her bed. Hellllllo? What happened to the "not bringing boys home" agreement? Now that she's finally sexually active, doesn't mean that I'm just going to be a good little virgin and do whatever she wants so she can get her "ration" per week. Hi! Hello? This is my room too!

Haha, so I totally was just about to turn my compy off (within the next five minutes) when she asked I did! I totally was out like a light too. *Snort* Serves her right, what a stupid question. Go have sex or makeout or whatever at HIS place.

Besides, why should he just be able to call you and then drop in unexpectedly (aka, no warning in advance) to get some action? Hm? Call HIM up when YOU need some action (equal opportunity around here!), or something. Being perfectly accomodating like cheapens the whole deal, y'know? You're sort of like some kind of "on call" stripper or whore or "action package." Pleh.

Megan dropped off the gardening stuff yesterday---shovels and stuff. I put them in our front garden area for storage. I've gotta plant some stuff in there. Somehow...

Today I'm off to visit the new house in Ventura with the lil' bro and gavs. Then...we're going to see PIRATES!!! (The new one: Dead Man's Chest). I'm bummed that Jules couldn't come; she has a sinus infection that's REALLY bad, had to get antibiotics and everything. It occurs to me that I should call her and see if she's okay...yeah.

Anyhow, it's getting to be "pick up" time, so I'd better go. More later!


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