Monday, April 07, 2003

Ok, so, there's even MORE today. Hm. Meeting was very exciting. We got our social calendars (damn!howmIgonnadoallthis!) and found out that some of the girls got their letters from their marines. Exciting! I can't wait to get mine. Speaking of that, I think I'll write my person another one, since I'm so impatient. Also, Julie and I are hoping to go over to heather's tonight to make cookies and put together a care package for the guys in "Jame's" squadron/group. Should be fun. Can you tell I know nothing about the marines? Ask me about the navy, I MIGHT know, but nothing else. That's what I get for being born into a seafaring family. (Go UBEEE and Popoo!) Oh, explantation, right? Well, we started a pen pal thing with the marine's in Sarah's Fiance (james) squadron. And hopefully we'll get their letters back soon--some already did, like Cara Hope, Corinne and peepz. WOWEEEE!

Ok, the current plan for the rest of the night is to do research, make cookies at heather's and to do a LOT of reading. I WILL DO THIS!!! No IF's, AND's or BUT's.

Well, That's it, and a zen thought for the day:

Staying at Bamboo Lodge

An evening sitting under
The eaves of the pines;
At night sleeping in Bamboo Lodge;
The sky so clear you’d
Say it was due to wine
Meditation so deep,
Thought I’d gone home to the hills
But Clever can’t beat Stupid
And Quick won’t match
Quiet Untoiling-ness!
You just can’t pave the Way
That’s it, the Gate of Mystery!
- Po Chu-I (772–846)

An interesting idea, isn't it? I think it means something along the lines that "Sleep is the greatest adventure next to death, and the peaceful night encourages the soul to contemplate." Dunno. What do you think of it? Send me a note, yes?


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