Saturday, October 18, 2003

Hmmm. upon talking to Kirona, and reflection upon Kevin, Julie and I have concluded (after a bottle of wine between the three of us) that kevin was perhaps less than a good date--he was so concerned with doing his homework, bleah! What poo!

Julie's birthday dinner was fun... yay for the corner bakery cafe! I had the roast beef sandwitch this time. Lauren and marissa and Jenn showed up. (not jenny woods...the other one!) Then, we got a ride back to the dorms (after a short stop at the baskin robbins) from tamar...all before nine o'clock! A very nice evening, except the wine is really starting to hit me now, and I'm sleepy to boot. And I was sleepy earlier. Dang. Stupid me. At least I rested today and didn't go to sailing practice!

Lot's of sleep in the forcast for tomorrow. Oh, and reading, and going to brunch for food. Lots of food. and now, more tomorrow, since I'm tired and it's really late. Night!


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