Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Lab rat blues

I seem to have lost my boombox. Has anyone seen it? Damn. I can't find it anywhere, and Angela hasn't seen it either. Damn damn damn.

Still have no idea what the statistics homework is. Goddamn, my luck is not good today. Oh, and the stats midterm? NOT GOOD. ARRRRRG. I do NOT want to go to sorority today. Infact, I think I'll ditch. WHOHOOO!

Watered plants today. Fish water got changed sunday. Happy plants and fish abound in my abode. What a thought.

Didn't get to go sailing with joe yesterday. They left at 330pm, and I was still out FREEZING my knees off with the stupid sailing team. Ah well, at least the sailing team practice was fun. Lots of boat handling drills, like sailing backwards and sailing without a rudder. Sigh. Had din din with sunny and LIZ from USSC (who I remembered!) at some mexican place. Great times all around. Bless them for making the day end on a positive note. Came home, went to bed. Didn't get up until 830am today. whohooohoooHOO!

Oooh, and was excited, because I got most of my laundry (except for delicates) done this morning: I sharked the laundry time, since no-one was signed up. Or "swooped" as we say here on my floor. Had a very leisurely morning. And now, must scurry off to class like a scurvy rodent.

Oh, wait, I meant lab rat.


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