Friday, February 06, 2004

Headless chicken routine, #5,673...

Fuck, fuck. Forgot to save spanish paper to scsi drive again, had to rush back to here I am! Blah. Doing this...

Some fun randomness:

There's no LOVE around here! ~juliana
I love you...mostly...EXCEPT in the morning!! ~mom
Well, I don't love ANYONE in the morning EITHER! ~juliana

"Does it have any gas?" -julz on the car
(putter putter wheeze, DIE)
"It's REALLY smooth then!!" -dad
"Especially when its going down the HILL..." -julz

I swear that my mom invents new languages whenever I'm home...
"youd be amazed how money dissappears even when you're not really doing anything..." -mom


"You're so cute!...But I don't WANT to get back in the elevator (?) now..." -Juliana, asleep
(yeah, she talks in her sleep. Evidently I do too.)

"Where's Your Fence of Adventure??!!"~Me
"Dunno, rusting all pointy and sharp on a desert island somewhere..."~Julez
(On hopping our backyard fence to get home faster, ha ha! Get it? BAD pun!)

So yeah, off I scurry to office hours...more later! (I have horrible spanish grammar, but my ideas are good, according to my prof...nothing new there)...


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