Monday, February 09, 2004

Post-Depression Missile attacks (what?!?)

Shit Shit! Take a Nap...DIN FIRE ZE MISSILES!
Yeah, that about sums up my life right now.

Got some sort of job offer and interview thing today about selling learning books door to door in the summer today. Oh, and I did a psych experiment on free speech...all between my regularly scheduled classes. I feel like I've been going full bore since 7am. At least I got a full nights sleep last night, so i'm DECENTLY human. Well, at least I haven't collapsed into a puddle of goo from all the activity.

Dunno if really want said job. Am thinking no. Plush ucla job along with sailing job and travel and maybe taking a class sounds alot more fun than 745-930pm door to door selling. It's MY summer after all. So do I want experience, or do I want money?


So far, have been mostly in denial about Uncle Al.

Ha, on the way to the "info sess" for the summer jober-mabober, rode skateboard down hill because had to go back to dorm after class (fast) and print out resume...and a tour group of kids (say 6 to 8yrs old) were SO impressed when I went whizzing by, ha ha! "Wow, a girl on a skateboard!!" YAH! That's me! (Especially when I'm late...) =D The little boys were MAJORLY amazed.

Have re-decorated closet with cut up posters for UCLA fowler (cultural) museum that I found in the recycle trashcan this weekend. Verdict from roomie and others is that the collage is pimpin' cool. Yay, go me!

Sailing on sunday was nice. I even studied for Stats 10. ...Though I had cramps. So I studied while lying in bed. Probably not usually a good idea, but pain keeps you okay. Am determined NOT to get depressed from all this: last year, was very depressed, and it sucked. Am not doing that shit again this year.

Hmm. Food and study. Those are on the agenda for tonight. AHA! it's FIVE...that means....



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