Thursday, February 12, 2004

Yo Ho YO HO and a couple of coronas later....

Joe, you are cool. I luv you man, I luv you! Sweet times: after stats 10 today, I totally snuck out early and went cat sailing with joe. Good times all around, he even let me helm, tho there wasn't much wind. Hee hee, we even almost capsized (more on that later, when I'm more sober and can actually see the computer screen...i took out my contacts).

Then, we came back in, took a shower, and finally headed off to the bar across from c&o's trattoria in venice beach. Wow, the good times. I had two beers, and quesadillas with quacamole and stuff. I feel bad cuz they were only coronas, and i'm still feeling pretty loopy right now. Gotta build up my alcohol tolerance. I haven't been drinking at all this quarter yet. Sad, considering how many opportunities I've had. Ah well. (joe and dave came with, joe driving) Thank god Joe is really good with his liqour. (damn, can't spell) Becaus there's no way I could have driven home hee hee!

The best thing is, nobody asked for my id. People don't do that if you're with older guys....whohoo, and I get to come back next thursday, according to joe...wheee!

so yeah, I'm slightly tipsy and all writing this, then I get to scurry off to work, what fun! I watch all the other drunk people stagger around!!

Ahhh, life is good.


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