Thursday, March 04, 2004

...the AnGeR is wELLInG..

Okay, I have anger resolution problems. Lots of them. The sailing team is driving me up the wall and I really want to kill something. Between the sorority springing the whole "mandatory" social/philanthropy shit on me, and the sailing team making me go to some DUMB regatta that I personally think we're not ready for. Well, okay, Tom and I could do it, but I dunno about everyone else. AND I have a freakin' HUGE midterm/paper due next monday. Fuck, I am so screwed. There's NO WAY that I'm going to be able to get any studying done. ARRRG. The world is conspiring against me. Really, I just want to tell everyone to FUCKK OFF!!!! extra k added for emphasis.

I really wanted to go out for ice cream this week. Looks like it'll get post-poned until next week. AND, jessica wanted me to visit her this weekend...and Heather wanted to have a sleepover (which sounded really fun). ARG. Conflict. Why, why whyyy?

Julz is sicker than a slug. She sounds like she swallowed a prickly pear cactus and then made out with a goat. (That was the worst thing I could think of, okay?) So yea, can't talk to her about my problems. Also, was going to talk to sarah, but she was busy I guess. Rats. No ice cream today. At least I got to have dinner with kiron, jackie, janice, mark and other 6s peepz in covel. Despite the food being sucky...the peepz were great.

I love my roomie (on another note) and I like Ahki this week. A and I commisserated on the sluttiness of the USC tennis women (playing the bruins today) and then debated all the way up the hill. Gt's ha ha ha. I am feeling magnanimous. Hmm. Maybe I'm near the Aunt Flo visit time... I feel grouchy.

A thought. Can I ditch the team race, since North 5&6 are more important? I'm not even really supposed to be SAILING this quarter... ARRRG. Frustration abounds in great green poisonous clouds in the Rieber Hall lobby. Where I'm using Andrew's laptop to furtively type this.

One good thing: I registered for TWO of my classes. I just don't remember when my next enrollment thing is so that I can actually sign up for psych 85...Hope it comes soon. Yarg. Maybe I'll check when I take my break. That's a lovely positive though within all the negativity that's swirling around here.

Allright, that's it. I need some poetry to cheer me up...a little bit of Zen to help me zone:

This is work that is alive,
Effervescent, free, liberated,
Gloriously enlightened,
True, and great.
Do you think it can be attained
By people who shut the door
And sit quietly with blank minds?

- Liu I-Ming

No blank minds around here. Although sometimes I wonder about people in college. Ah well. I wonder about everyone, including myself, some days. Well, as they say (with me sneakily using the computer during my early late shift): "Rules are made to be bent terribly out of shape until they contradict themselves."~Auraleona

Allright, that's IT. No more. Make the evil stop.

Oooh, props to julie for bringing me goodies to help me get better. I'm trying. It's not going to well. I'm sniffling. ARRRR!


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