Monday, March 15, 2004

Protecting the world from the offense of our "delicate sensibilities"....PC-ness can be ridiculous!
So Kosha decided that the whole first paragraph of the toilet times was STILL too offensive. Baloney. How can it be offensive when it's the TRUTH??? Idiocy rules. I really want to kill something for being sensored. she just blanked it out and made copies. What a WASTE of paper. She could have just walked down the hall and ASKED me to get rid of it entirely. Instead of "hint" that it might offend someone. Yeah, I could see how my first version would offend somone, so I changed it. Took out the bad words and insults in the first paragraph, leaving us with THIS:

".....Okay, so FIRST OFF: What is up with the peepz on so-called EX-syphylis alley? eh? Also known as DEATH VALLEY (due to lack of social life, I guess???). That is all YOU peepz on the even side...rooms 724-on! (With some exceptions...) Are you AFRAID of the rest of us? eh? eh? DON’T be such Scaredy-Cats!! Come out from your little cocoons and DO THE BUTTERFLY THING, SOCIALITES!!!! Come to dinner! Join in the Halo tournaments! Say HI to your lonely RA~! She really does love you. Really. I mean it. And we love you too. We’re really not that scary....promise!"

Is that offensive? Jamason and the other proof readers on the floor didn't seem to think so, in fact they thought it was right on. Well, phooey. I think I hate being sensored just to protect someone's "Delicate sensibilities". That's bullshit. If it offends you, come tell me. Other people did about my first few toilet times, and I made a few changes.

But as a creative artist (or whatever you'd like to call my bathroom ramblings) I'm NOT going to pander to others. The idea is to create art, and how others react is the true impact, the significance of the art. Whether that art is words or images or film, too bad. It's mine, and I'm not going to change it!! Part of what makes such things so entertaining is how bizarre or different the perspective is. Having a provacative piece of art is much better than just some boring old bathroom "rag" to bore you outta your mind while you're sitting in the stall.

At least, that's what I think.


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