Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Hookah ROCKS!!

Ha ha! Hookah bars are fun. And did I mention that the gypsy has THE best steak shish-kabob? douche dragged me there tonight...felt really tired and had headache (which cup of jasmine tea did not abate)...went anyway, had double apple hookah, good food, and YUMM moroccan mint tea. Oh gods, that stuff is enough to cause a taste bud orgasm. Not counting the steak and all. Hee hee. Must endeavor to go out more. Is amazingly fun, when one doesn't have to worry about males picking up on you. (I think I looked like shit anyways, since i was wearing a mannish button down shirt, umm, but tight ass jeans and my black kenneth cole overcoat). Wierd that old men still will check you out...blearg. Funny that many of the other patrons there didn't even LOOK or act like they were 18. Far to giddy about their hookah. Wouldn't surprize me if they weren't. Ah, but it was such FUN! Have a feeling will become a "hookah whore" this year....ha ha ha, funny stupid quote of the night: "Heyyy, we should have an Access control hooker night....wait, erm, i meant HOOKAH night." douche, of course, just laughed his ass off at me. Ha ha, freudian slips.

In other news, Big sis's live journal is once again, the Pimp Ass Shit. Observe:
Threat rating: Low. You are annoying, but too much
of a softy tree hugger to pose any threat to
the mighty machine of Republican progress. And
the FBI know where you live.

What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Is that not pimp or what? HEEE HEEE HEEE!

Big sis sarah called today!! OMIGOOWD, picked out her wedding dress! EEEEE! Wedding is on the 20th of march, so excited, I'm gonna bust something vital, I'm sure. Hmm. tiger and calla lillies, purple iris, maybe some red and purple roses? looovely. Can't WAIT. Oh, shit, must buy goody for her. Arg, arg, I suck at gifts. And find a man to escort me? Yeeg, problems. Can I just take Julie with me? I am terrible with men (established fact). Big One assures me that she was once hopeless too. Oh good, now don't feel so utterly inept. Sounds like the law school is fun too. Oh, but who'm I kidding, you just wanna see the dress, right? Humpf. Here:
Satisfied? Ooh, makes me drool. She's gonna look SO fantastic!

Hmm, still have not figured out how to move all my shit to the sorority house, and make bed look cute. Something to ponder over the next several days. Yeeg.

Umm, that's it for now, must go send Big Bridget HP fanfic...YAY!


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