Thursday, January 20, 2005

(Foraging) Pirates Strike AGAIN!


Am triumphing over the evil book gods by being sneaky--aka copying those books for my psych and my enviro science classes. Result is much goodness, and no price gouging. Yay! Or is it "ARRRR!!"?

In other news, have SHITLOADS of reading to get "done" tonight. Also Known As: Lanenkar scans like crazy (most of the book) and reads ONE chapter in depth. Yay for me. I'll pick a shorter chapter, maybe. Hmm. Marco Polo was a very boring man. Sad. Oh, and whoever wrote his story down can KISS MY PASTY WHITE ASS! YARRR! can the dude that translated Pliny the Elder in the 15th century...dunno his name, but he was a real motherfucker as far as mangling and confunding the english language was involved. (Is that confusing enough for you?)

Might be getting a new cook around these parts! Name is Lovejoy, met him today. Is crazy black man with cool dreadlocks. Neato. Like him, like his food ideas. Would DEFINITELY be willing to pay more $$ for gourmet food!

Need a life. Need sleep. Have enough of neither. Yuck.

Need to go to Kinko's and pick up copys of my book stuff. Yarr. Yay for pirate me!

(Cannot seem to muster the enthusiasm required for a truly entertaining post. Oh well.)

And with that, I'm off in search of "vittles".


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