Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Life after College???!

So, today on Monster, I was exploring my after-college options, and I picked out a few likely ones. Well, okay, SORTA.

Job options:
Psychology researcher
Personal shopper
hotel worker
sales associate (retail)
lab assistant
park ranger
temp worker
restaurant and food service
government and policy?

The problem with all the jobs that I want to apply for is how to go about getting the skills I need for them? All of these sound somewhat or particularly interesting, but it's hard to choose. Some, of course, I already have experience in, others I would LIKE to have experience in, and still others are very much "potentials."---so to speak.

For teaching, I'd need to get certified, which is rather a long process and doesn't seem very rewarding in the state of california. Maybe I could teach abroad? For psychology and any sort of scientific research, I'd need to get at least a BA, some experience in a Lab, and maybe even a masters or PHD down the road. Bartending requires some sort of certification and classes, I think. I don't know much about that one, or if I'd be really suited to it. Waitress, eh, I could do that. Hotel worker, eh, likewise could do that. Sales associate, yeah, could do that. Park ranger, I have no idea how I'd apply to do that, but it'd be really fun. Maybe I could see what kind of environmental science jobs there are out there...maybe email one of my professors. Publishing would be fun as well, as well as writing. I don't, however, know a thing about it. Military is okay, but I'm not really thinking that I'd want to JOIN it, I'd rather work FOR it--kind of thing. I could be a lobbyist, but that's sort of a job that needs to be done as a sideline to something more practical, and requires a number of years to gain credence in whatever forum I lobby in (the legislature, etc.). Being a captain sounds like it also requires schooling--midshipman's school and all that. Hmmm.

Faced with all that, can I just be a beach bum for the rest of my life? I'll create sculptures out of trash (found art) to pay my way...

Better yet, anyone got an internship, preferably in a foreign country, or something like that?


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