Friday, February 10, 2006

UGP SUCCESS!! (yessss.......)


I'm so excited, I should do a happy dance! The UGP has gone through (aka, we've been given the "go-ahead" on building our campus garden) at sunsec recreation area, and we've even got a designated spot to put it in. Now all we have to do is start soliciting donors. Whoohooohoooo! I love food!

In other news, my throat is thrashed from all the screaming and dancing and screaming 80's songs that I did last night. Worth it, despite my being mostly unable to talk. Or, at least talk with a scratchy sort of "smokers voice". Bleeearg. Hahah, 80's themed parties are the absolute best. My outfit was so heinous, it was great! I'll have to post pictures or something. Heehee

Am very tired. Was awoken earlier than I wanted to be awake (read: didn't get my desired 8hours of rest) by both the damn room phone ringing twice--wrong numbers both times---and my roomie listening to stupid music without headphones on her compy. I understand she's a music major, and HAS to listen to music sometimes...but not while I'm sleeping, please? If there's one thing that pisses me off the most, it's people disturbing my sleep. Ever since my days working in access controll, sleep has been the most precious commodity in my life, since it's tied pretty closely with my health.

So that means, I'll prolly take a nap sometime today. Nothing else really exciting going on...except I have to write a paper for my spanish 125 class. Eurg, wish me luck.

Anywhoo, just figured that I'd spread the joy (I walked back from the Sunset Rec meeting today with a happy smile and my headphones a "zone") and give y'all an update. Whoohoo!!

Currently listening to: 80's MJ
(He wasn't so bad then!)


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