Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Creepy elevator behavior is GREAT.

Social Psychology is so much FUN. Today was our section on breaking social norms and social contagion. AKA: Our day to do rude, weird things, and watch as people react to either (a) counter our non-normative behavior, or (b) join in our strange behavior.


Fuckin' Hilarious.

Triva, this dude in class and I decided we would talk really loudly in an elevator as our non-normative behavior. We got a really funny range of reactions: either people would get silent really fast and not talk, or they would counter by talking really loudly, or say things like "isn't it really rude to talk really loudly on elevators". ahahahahahaa! DUH, you dipshit broads, that's why we're doing it! People also tried to move away from us (toward the front of the elevator, since we were taking up the whole back wall) and gave us really dirty looks. A lot tried to ignore us and not look at us, looking away and acting like we didn't exist, and then getting off the elevator as fast as possible.

Really, really, really REALLY funny. Ohgod!

In other news, today is contact people about the garden project day. Need to email henry, crystal, and the mucky-mucks in charge. Tomorrow, of course, is check on garden day. Should be good. Wish me luck!

I think I'm going to go over to the local library too, and check out some really awful romance novels to read, instead of spending useless HOURS on my compy when I am finally home. Ah well, must go to work!


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