Thursday, September 14, 2006

Evolution has fried my brain

It's grey and misting outside today. Unusual weather for this time of year. Usually, we have rain and gloom during June. Must be a bit of a freak weather pattern.

I have my final today. Whoohooo.

Yeah, that mostly sums that up. In other news, my eyes hurt. I wonder if Irina won that wedding contest? I really hope so. Maybe I should call her. Note to self: also check messages after I get out of the final today. Alden gave me a call. Wonder what that's about. Note #2 to self: I need to write Mrs. and Mr. Knowles a thank-you note...a nice one for last weekend's Catalina jaunt.

My eyes are bloody tired. I'm practically typing this with my eyes shut. I think I've been reading on the computer too mch. Maybe I'll "rest" them when I go home today by taking a nap. Also, I need to redo my resume again and reapply for some UCLA jobs. I NEED A JOB. Like, one that's marginally more interesting and less boring than the one that I now have. Eeeek! Look at that, I wrote "like" as a punctuating statement. Oh, the HORROR, the HORROR!! Shoot me now.

Must mean it's time to take that test. Wish me luck!


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