Friday, July 21, 2006

Aimless Friday Quibbling

Yet another friday evening with very little to do. Have now finished reading the smutty romance novels I got from the local library (besides studying and working and shite) and have now started in to the meatier stuff---like "the wind done gone". Then I've got some herman melville, arundhati roy, and donald harrington. Good stuff, maybe it will keep me occupied. Honestly, romance novels are so cliched and bad, you can't help but read through them quickly, since they're all the same dribble. Of course, reading them is about the same as a good soap opera on tv, so I'd rather read than watch them. The ones on TV mostly just make me cringe in horror.

Have discovered, however, that I'm fascinated by "Project Runway" despite all the idiotic editing and stuff...really, the designers are quite creative, and it's highly addictive to watch. I miss watching mum's shows with her though. (Don't tell her that, must keep up the facade of hating all of them....) Masterpiece theatre is usually quite good. Grarrr! We don't get the paper daily, so I don't know what's on the telly, and watching the tv guide channel is so annoying.

Hmm. can't decide whether I should shower, watch movie, or go rollerskating. Hmmm.

anywhoo, off I go to a gloriously uncomplicated evening, after a dinner of potatoes and mac'n'cheese. (Dad would cringe in horror, but it's easy and tasty). I think I've regressed to childhood--making up for all the mac'n'cheese I never got!

Alrighty, off I goes, and where I end up, nobody knows!


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