Saturday, August 12, 2006

Moral Moving support...sometimes wearing.

So, here I am on my newly working (aka: dust blown out of it) compy down at scenario (the 'rent's new house). Nice and cool in this back room, the only drawback is that I have to kneel to use the compy. Oh, and the screen is TINY. Hrumpf.

School is pretty cool. Very low maintenance. I brought my books to study today. Should be a good thing. I'm actually going to return my anthro book---a friend of mine has it and will lend it to me. Or I'll pay her for it. Much cheaper than the 65 bucks I spent on the stupid thing.

Summer seems to be pretty nice. Am still searching for a job, mooching around, filling out job applications. If anyone hears of something, let me know? I need moola. Current job is a bust. bleah.

Hmmm, I wish that I had fiberoptic cable stuff at my apartment. The load times are AMAZING down here. I just type in a web address, and POOF. I'm already there.

The only bad part about moral support for this whole move thing (and I'm not sure if it's for mom or for dad) is having to move boxes around. Eh, well could be worse!

Ucla garden seems to be doing well. I need to figure out a recruitment campaign and the watering system. Must contact henry and rich. Ah, things to do, things to do.

Life is busy, y'know?

I feel sort of worn though. And I haven't really done much. Maybe it's a lack of caffeine? Hmmmmmmm.


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