Saturday, February 10, 2007

A good day, despite the lack of rain, and lack of bike...

So, it was supposed to rain today. WTF!!! And guess what, it was totally sunny and absolutely BEAUTIFUL and warm, with a faint bit of a chill in the air when the wind blew. Bloody stupid weather forecasters. Grrrr.

So, since I totally thought that it would rain, after looking out the window at 7am today and consulting this morning, I brought several useless things up to community service day at the garden. I hate having to carry unnecessary crap (like umbrellas, boots, etc.) and then not even needing it, and having to carry it home as well. Boo!

On the other hand, garden day was very successful: we pulled weeds, raked, and beefed up our fence with the old bamboo from the native garden. We even got done early, so I got to go to wooden and take a shower, and change clothes and wander home. Ahhh, Saturday's are so nice, since nobody's using the showers....BRILLIANT! I'm so glad that I invested in a locker. Totally worth it.

No dirt moving got done, but that might be better done on another saturday, with the garden group, since it's pretty labor (and time) and money intensive....and I don't really have a lot of money right now. (Most of it has gone to buy food, pay bills, and for bus money....stupid fucker who ran into my bike!) I think I need more...

In other news, I'm going to buy a new (extra) bike just in case some idiot runs into me again. I don't want to have to waste money taking the damn bus everyday, and having to wait in the cold, when I could be getting exercise, and getting home at the same time! Why do LA drivers love their cars so much? All they do (poor suckers) is sit in traffic, honk at each other, get road rage, and then sit in traffic some MORE.

This is why I love my bike. Not only does the world sail by at an interesting pace, but I can look around, breathe, and relax...all those endorphins just make you HAPPY. Why would anyone NOT want to be happy? And, I don't have to wait for anything other than stoplights, and I can weave between cars, and get there SOONER than any car stuck in the bane of West LA....traffic. Plus, bike culture is fun. Every bike commuter I've ever passed has waved, said hello, and wished me a good day. Obviously, their method of seeing the world has something going for them--a cadmarie that's hard to beat, a great work out, interesting scenery (it changes every day) and zero aggravation from traffic. It seems counterintuitive to suffer, when there's such a great alternative.

Annnnyway, I've gotten most things accomplished today, but now must do a shitload of reading to get caught up and prepare for my midterms (and quizzes) next week. Wish me luck!


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