Monday, March 31, 2008


So, my job is definitely challenging. Or, at least, being put on the far away floor (M2) in the far building is challenging. I got all the plates all ready and got there early (five pm as opposed to 630), but then I had a bunch of NEW patients (diabetic, etc) with specialized menu's that I DIDN'T have, so I had to call for them...and the expediter got one wrong...UGH! Massive pain in the neck.

I had to stay late to go around and get all the orders for breakfast, and many of my trays didn't even get collected. ARG!! Leo's going to be sooooo pissed! AUGH! (He's the night time manager). Unfortunately, I didn't have time to remind the other guy that he had to check the other hallway's rooms for used trays, so he took all my carts---a couple of them not even full!

So, needless to say, my short summary of my first official working day: IT SUCKED. NOT ENOUGH TIME.


Added on that, I'm coming down with some sort of cold. I've been trying to fight it off with cough drops and Nyquil at night, but it's just gotten worse today. I feel pressure around my eyes in all of my sinuses, and needless to say, felt a bit out of it at the end of my shift. At least my throat has stopped hurting, though. But, now I have a nasty cough. I just can't win, can I?

Thank god that I'm not doing early shifts anymore, though. I won't have to suffer through eight hours, only four or so.

I was walking back from the far building, and it was so cold (no jacket!!) that my nose and eyes started running like mad! I could barely see. I'm sure THAT doesn't help.

Added on that general eyes feel intolerably itchy and dry. I keep drinking water, and putting in eye drops, but no relief. Maybe I'm allergic to something? GRAH. Annoying.

Oh, and if you didn't catch it already, I'm a glorified waitress at the hospital. Yep, that's my job. I get to take diet orders, ask patients what they want, and then give them their food...and collect their trays when they're done. Sorta like room service in a hotel, but some people only get certain foods.

Reminds me of when I was stuck in the hospital with a busted jaw---they gave me clear liquids to eat, and jello. I kept being annoyed though, because I really COULDN'T strain the jello through my teeth with them wired shut... Ahh, the petty annoyances one remembers. I don't remember any pain, or anything like that (hooray for drugs) just annoying things like trying to eat with syringes and stuff. Silly, eh?

Am tired, but dunno if I will be able to sleep. Caffeine got me through the end of my shift, and I don't know when it'll wear off. I think I might go drink some more hot broth. Or something.

And maybe eventually my damn eyes will stop itching. Stupid things.

And with that, I think I'll go get ready for bed and have my broth. Can't wait to sleep in...maybe daddy will let me.......I can hope, right?

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