Monday, August 18, 2003

HURRAYYYYY! Julie Emailed me (what a dear!) and I feel immeasurably better. Hmmm, that's the word for the day. I just had to write her back:

I'm sure my dorm room will be madness incarnate, or at least my side of it. I'm sure that it'll be a respite though.... Unfortunately, I still haven't had any luck contacting my future roomate. Shucks. Oh, and I dunno what you define as normal....with me and all. =D However, tea and cookies will always be handy if you need them!
Thank you SOOO much for letting me know about the whole craziness thing. I was having a sort of bad day, and your email cheered me up immensely. That, and some good purging at my blogsite. (remember, the one I was always making you late with? Well, its up and running!)
Let the madness REIGN! and let (please, oh PLEASE) school begin again!
cheers, ciao, and cya soon,

hmmm. maybe I should go get a cuppa tea.

I think I will take my own advice on that one, and with that, off I toodles. As my IM profile says;
Currently Engaged in a Desperation-induced search for rich bachelor to marry....

....or a job. Whichever comes first!

Julie's stupid quote of the week: "WHAM! ....awww, fuck. Not again!"
(her hitting the fan in the hall~ha ha!)

I must be turning into harry potter. I think Summer Sucks. I work all day indoors, and do nothing else.

"If we're going to run amok there's no time like the present!"
~Pinky & The Braine

The good news? I have cool Blog-ness.

Oh, and the reallllllllllly cool part? I took out the trash, and no more mum the terrible bugging the SHIT otta me. WHAHOOOOO!


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