Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Poor jules is in her room, lyin' down. Cramps really suck. I feel sorry for her. I actually like my schedule this week, eventhough the suckers didn't tell me that I would be regularly scheduled, and I was late to my shift yesterday. Shit shit. I have all closing shifts, which means that I can spend the day writing on my computer.

I just updated my fics at fanfiction.net, and then realized that I wasn't allowed to put up author's notes...*looks around furtively* I hope nobody notices and reports me. I also added two chapters to one of my fics and added my creepy dystopian fantasy scenario. So, you all can go read it....and laugh at my obsession with Inuyasha too. Of course, it's not as cool as my original, because it doesn't have pictures (which made it SO cool). But, it's still creepy, according to my mom. Heh heh heh. My penname is Lanenkar, peepz. f33r m3-- w00t!

I start work at six today. Sounds like fun, huh? I think that I'll bring a book to read during my breaks. Other than that, my life is boring.

Oooh! Wait, my Aunt Sarah came and visited today... err, stayed the night and then left at 850 am today, I mean. I came home from work around eleven, and they were all sleeping, so I couldn't get in to my computer in the study and update all my junk. So I had to do it today. Rats. Still, at least I updated stuff, including this blog. GO ME!

Ah well, that's it. More later when I feel orignal and witty. (not right now)


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