Friday, January 02, 2004

Happy Festivus...Err, New Years!

Allright, I know that it's the second of January, and that New Year's was yesterday...but hey, I'm a late bloomer. So, I should probably try to make some resolutions for this year. REASONABLE ones that I can accomplish.

Let's seeee, what did I put down as my "goals" for last year? Hmmm. "Lotion on hands, face and feet in morning" Well, I should do that at night, really. "Get up at nine everyday during week (@least)" yup, got that one beat. Most days I get up at eight or seven to get ready for my nine o'clock class. Except for Christmas vacation...I've been getting up at nine thirty. Nothing like a lovely ten hours of sleep: except If you've got TOO much sleep...which I think I have. "facial regime at night" yup. Did that, Going to continue doing it this year (so much easier when living in the dorms). "get nails and toes manicured" nope, did that for myself. I'm a cheapo. "read gai-jin by Clavell" Nope. "Cut and dye hair red" yup. "find makeup expert to consult" yup, didn't do much good. A non-milk diet did NOT help my skin improve...I'll try vitamins this year. "eat more healthy" well, yeah. Easier to do when in the dorms and have a choice of foods...what I really should put is "be more aware of WHAT I eat" and also "EAT BREAKFAST MORE OFTEN!" Hmmm. "Study japanese...much more" well, yeah, I can do that. "practice violin--keep skills up" sure! I didn't do it last year (no time) but I'll have time this year! "join key club or latino community service org." bleah, boring, did not do those. Really, what was I thinking? I'm not terribly interested in that sort of thing anyhow... I'd rather do habitat for humanity or something. "Ham radio or swing club after sorority" nope! Didn't do that, since sorority always freakin' lasted until 930 pm!! ARG! So, those were last years.

For THIS year, 2004...Here are my ideas:
Sailing on weekends
Lotion/facecare at night
Nails regularly manicured
Be more aware of what I EAT
READ Novel outside class
violin-stress reducing 2x's a week?
Watch Japanese TV!
Astronomy Club
Tai chi club
Swing club?
Ham Radio club?
ANIME club
Lunch @ sorority
STUDY for spanish
STUDY Btween Classes
Write letters to friends!
Hang out wi big sis's
Sew! clothes?!
Catalina wi/sailing team

Those are my ideas. Let's see If any of them get done... Hey, I'm GONNA TRY!!!!


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