Monday, March 29, 2004

Merry Madness of the LONG home...

Being sick is total crap. As it is, I've been sick since saturday. Well, okay, whenever I woke up on saturday. It's a really wierd bug; my neck and throat hurt. Of course, I have had headaches, but nothing a little aspirin won't banish. Mostly. Oh, and nyquil has afforded me a full six hours of actually RESTFUL sleep...the full dose of nyquil too. Hope this flu sucker goes away quick.

My grades are still not posted for anything other than my psychology class. What a bummer. I really want to find out how I did on the final. And stuff. Oooh! Must investigate books for next quarter as well. EEYIKES. Spending money=phooey.

Still haven't gotten my shipment from yet either. Ratosis. And I was so hoping for it. Sent a flame to microsoft about their "Reader" program. Which won't read ANYTHING worth shit. I hate microsoft. They're as bad as a virus, with all their poorly written software. ARRRG. The updates are annoying as well.
Kiss my ass you bastards~!

Oh, and they sent me a reply back with "Tell us how you (fucked up) used our webpage? What steps did you take in trying to get it to (explode in your face) work?" Yeah. Idiots. I already did that. GRRRR.

Actually managed to get my ass moving today, which was unnecsesary (shit I can't spell when I'm sick) when after lugging all my shit down to the bottom of the hill, I called dad, and he agreed (rather eagerly) to pick me up. I think he was bored, because he hinted that all he was doing was installing software on the old crappy computer. Oh, and then he asked me which car he should bring, ha ha. Yup, definitely bored.

Food was good tonight. (Aahh, home cooked meals). Burgers, potatoes, (mashed and scalloped) and green beans. It was leftover night,to be sure. Yum.

Had a nice sit in the sun today too. Okay, I was kicked out of the house when i couldn't sleep/nap and mom had to mop the kitchen floor. But hey, it was balmy and nice for the entire afternoon, an the lack of mosquitoes was a TOTAL bonus. Hurray for the Vector Control of Orange County. They're geniuses.

Good to see the julz again. Much silly madness always ensues from that. Even on dad's part. ha ha.

"We need PICKLES!! None of this Relish crap...RARRRWR." -julz
"HA HA HA-- I'm a BIOHAZARD!!" -me
"No Bueno~!" ..."Es 'muy malo', tonto!" -J&E
"I'm arranging my plate!!" -julz(on why she didn't want to get up and put away the pickles) "I'll ARRANGE my foot on your BUTT!"-Dad


I guess they were going to go see "the prince and I" but didn't...I was going to possibly go along, but sounds like they're off to see something else instead, so no go. Or as julz says, "Negatory ghostrider, the pattern is full." So here I am, hopefully updating this, doing some reading and contact-removing, and thennnn, off to BED!


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