Tuesday, March 23, 2004



I will no longer do it. I will no longer write the toilet "times" for this stupid unappreciative bunch of people I have the misfortune to call my floormates. Don't get me wrong, the guys are great, but Ladies, could you be any more disrespectful?

If you don't LIKE the finals rant, then don't READ it. There is NOTHING that gives you the right to tear it down from all the stalls. If you really wanted a copy that badly, then I would MAKE you one. But now, I'm forced to do what you obviously wanted me to do by anonymous cowardly appeal: Resign.

So therefore, I, Elaine, being of sound mind (though outraged) and body, Resign from writing the toilet times. Henceforth you Suckers will have to find some other poor shmuck to do them.

Good luck!

And now, off to happy finals-ville.


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