Wednesday, March 17, 2004


Ruminations of a Three-AM mind:

(as in, fuck, I stayed up late trying to get the psychology reading done, and the fuckin' copier at Rieber died, so I walked down to bloody de neve in my slippers and a blanket on the wet and glass-strewn stairs)

The fog at three am was unusually lush and thick. The lights billowed in the air as it moved, and the world glowed....Kind of like how I see without my glasses...but everyone is affected. Lovely. I like fog, despite the cold. It was lovely out.

Oh, I hate it! I could have gone and seen the "prince and I" at Ackerman, but for some reason I thought I was working....except I wasn't. So I studied with Kimberlee. Which was a blast anyway. w00t! Oh well, I'll just have to waste my dinero and go see it. Waaaah, and Julie asked if I could go, WAAAAAH!


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