Thursday, March 25, 2004

Oh god, that was the most fun I've had on a birthday....ever. In college. Wow. I spent the evening getting drunk (juliana mandated it) and then tottered over to Panda's pad and went on the quarterly underwear run with nick and brian and panda. Whohooo! Wow, it was so much fun! I saw patricia there, and matt and all sorts of people from the sailing team. Whoo, I was so warm from the alcohol, it was GREAT. I'm going to do that run every quarter!! Oh, and lots of peepz liked my blue underwear and lingeree. hee hee.

Then afterward, we went back to panda's and sat there until two or so, then we all got tired and left. GT's all around. Headed back here but akhi was over and once again, the room smelled....funky. So I peaced out to Emiliees for a while...was going to wait until 4 to call Julie and wake her up to write her spanish paper, but she called at 330 and told me I could go to sleep (by that time I was tired, so I staggered back to the room, opened the window and moved the fan to get rid of the stink.) Woke up at 1030 when julie called me...and then went right back to sleep until 1. When finally, I hauled my sleepy carcass out of bed and into the shower. Ahh, shower.

Was so great yesterday; krystle, sherri, mom and Juliana all said hello and happy b-day, and Kyrstle via email! I called mom and julz back, and had a good long chat with both of them. YAY! Fun. Even emilee came by and wished me a happy one! Wahooo, I love you people. wow, that's so exciting. Usually everyone forgets. And Kimberlee gave me a cool cd and card on tuesday before she went home. YAY. AND, my big sis wished me a happy b-day too. Hurrah for all of you! *smiles*

sounds like mom had fun last weekend with her sisters coming over. Its good that they get together...every girl has got to have some "sister time" with the gals. I bet jules and I will do that...ha ha, but poor dad is stuck re-checking the taxes, poor guy. ha ha ha. I can't wait to go home for break. YAHOOOO.

Hm. I'm hungry, and I've got some email to check. it's 1416. bye now~


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