Monday, March 15, 2004


ALLRIGHT, it's that time again...TIME FOR THE FINALS RANT!! --Where I tell you everything that pisses ME off, and you have to sit there and READ it, BWAHAHA HAAAA!
Okay, so FIRST OFF: What the hell is up with the antisocial freaks on syphylis alley? eh? Also known as DEATH VALLEY. That is YOU all you people on the even side...rooms 724-on! (With a FEW exceptions...) Do you people not like to socialize? Are you AFRAID of the rest of us? eh? eh? QUIT being such timid FREAK-O's! Come out from your little monster dens/coccoons and DO THE BUTTERFLY THING, SOCIALITES!!!! Come to dinner! Join in the Halo tournaments! Say HI to your lonely RA~! She really does love you. Really. I mean it.
SECOND thing: Why, oh why, do you like to write on the WALLS? They're fine without all the pen/door marker on them. Y'all do know that You'll have to PAY the cost of repainting them at the end of the year...ALL of us will have to pitch in. And y'know, thats NOT COOL. I am poor, you are Poor. DON'T DO IT ANYMORE!!! We are not DOGS. There's NO NEED to mark our territory. That's what door decorations are for--expressing our individuality and creativity. There's a time and a place, peepz.
THIRD: Why THE *(%Y#Y$@ DO YOU STEAL PEOPLE'S DOOR MARKERS?!? Those are for you to be creative, and leave messages. When you don't return them, that = Cheap-ass-lame-ness! C'mon, we WANT you to leave us a message, not steal markers so NO ONE can do so. I know for a fact MINE were stolen, and so were Jeff, Marty and Phil's. So lame. People, why? It's okay to borrow for a while, but stealing is NEVER allright. Booooo!
Fourth: Okay, I know this is a thing with the ladies, but here goes...When I POST the toilet times, I want to be able to SIT there on the pot and STARE straight ahead and strain away. I don't want to have to TWIST my head to the side and maybe get a crick in my neck just to READ the toilet times. ARRRG. So annoying. Don't MOVE the damn things. I put them on the back of the door for a REASON, idiots! That said, you know I love you. And I love that people read them (I actually do get feedback...yay!)
Oh, and ANOTHER thing: FLUSH THE G*DDAMN CRAPPER!! That second STALL is NASTY. Guys, I bet YOU don't have this problem, why should the ladies? (Okay, wait, yes they DO.) Hmm? DON'T flush anything other than toilet paper down those suckers as well, okie? Anything else clogs the poor drains. And then the toilet overflows, and the floor is UCKY. Bleh! We live In SOCAL, people, and the toilets are already LOW FLOW. Therefore, you are NOT wasting as much water when you FLUSH. So FLUSH. None of that "if it's yellow, let it mellow" shit. Allright? Good.
A suggestion for the GUYS: the FIRST THREE STALLS ARE STANDING ONLY!!!! Second three stalls are for sitting. So leave the seats UP on the first three stalls. It ain't hard. Ooh, and please WASH YOUR hands! That means 1. Rinse with water, 2. SCRUB with soap for a duration of THIRTY seconds...the time it takes to sing Happy birthday TWICE, 3. RINSE with more water. Just so you know, SOAP DOES NOT CLEAN YOUR HANDS. It's the combination of SCRUBBING PLUS SOAP PLUS RINSING that does it. So why do I see people who are in college that STILL don't know how to clean their hands properly? Do you LIKE to get sick and spread germs? EWWWWWWWWWWW. *gags*
Another irritating thing: Peeing/puking in the dryers. Okay, so you're drunk. That's GREAT. Good, have a fun time. But when you make more work for the lovely cleaning ladies that SLAVE every day to clean up after our mess, that's just not cool, dudes. It's THREE less feet to puke in that laundry room sink...So DO so. That's way easier to clean.
Also, How would you like it If I went in and peed all over your freshly washed laundry? (the equivalent of peeing in the dryers) Hmm? Would you want to spend another HOUR and DOLLAR of your precious TIME and $$$ re-washing all that stuff? No? REaLLy? I mean, I've got a right to puke as much as the next person, but geeze, at least try to do it INTELLIGENTLY. You are college students!! Try to consider the consequences of your actions. If you have to puke, ask yourself: maybe I DID drink a little too much? Okay. Fine. The idea of DRINKING in college is NOT to get wasted (though some think that's really fun...uck). The idea is to FEEL GOOD and have a good time. Puking=not a good time. Puking=you've essentially POISONED your stomach. GLAG.
Oh, and another note: If you need to use the ironing board (there's probably about FIVE of us who do) maybe sign up on the laundry sheet and put "IRONING" and your room number/name. That way, if someone else gets a desperate urge to iron something, they'll know who has taken the board and where it is. If you aren't USING the board, please put it back pronto? It does get rather warm in the laundry room for it's okay to take, but put back, a'ight?
Other floormates have complained about people erasing their boards. This is right up there with the whole stealing door markers thing. As in, horrible, dastardly, EXTREMELY INCONSIDERATE thing to do. So why, exactly, is it still occurring? You tell ME, because I don't know.
For all the people who live next to the tub room (and those who evidently have SEX in it): clean up after yourselves, okay? Because that strange "ass" smell that sometimes lingers in the odds hallway is very...disgusting. This, from several sources. Also, some have complained that they can't walk barefoot anymore through the hall because they don't know what people have done [in it]. How gross is that? I want to be able to walk any way I please through the hall (that includes naked...though you won't see that too often), but if everyone else ignores the "crisis of the commons" and leaves trash and who-knows-what-other things in the halls, I can't enjoy the freedom of bare feet...and neither can anyone else. So Pick up that trash...and just think, most of it is recyclable. AND, it's nice that the maintenance staff ONCE AGAIN doesn't have to clean up after us. We are not pigs!
Now, we get to the Nitty-gritty. Door slamming. This hearkens back to the whole "golden rule" thing. People like to sleep, right? They (most of them) like to sleep at 3AM IN THE MORNING. So respect quiet hours. Don't bloody well slam your doors with the deadlock and rattle the walls and wake people up. This is ESPECIALLY important considering that finals is coming up and we all need our precious rest (what little of it there is to be had). If you have a problem with noise or music, please feel free to walk next door, knock, and complain. It's so much better than having the RA write you up for a noise complaint. If someone asks ME to turn my music down, great. I'll do it. Nobody likes THE MAN (err, woman) having to come after them. Including "THE WOMAN" herself. She hates to write you up. It SUCKS. Don't feel bad about being labeled a "bitch" or an "arsehole". Sleep is more important at this point. So for the Door slammers, you know who you are. Please be more considerate, okay?
A generic complaint from the odds hallway: Evidently the people in dining services never clean out their dumpsters because there's some sort of sewage smell wafting up from below every time it rains. Also, I think it's because the sewers on the hill overflow. Has anyone complained to on-campus housing about this? If it get so bad you can't stand it, piss and complain, people! Sometimes, They'll DO something about it!!! (...Maybe even compensate you??!!)
So there you are, this has been the FINALS rant. Where I let out all the anger and tension on the floor so we all can blow steam and then relax before finals starts. Hopefully, You'll consider these things for next quarter and ALL our quality of life will improve. I really hope so. Most of these things are so EASY to do--just small changes in behavior that will alter our attitudes. Because of course, you can't alter attitudes before altering behavior!
And before you write this all off as the PMS-ing of a grouchy female/bitch...consider: how would YOU like to live? In a pigsty? Or someplace clean and pleasant? I'd much prefer the latter, thanks! And according to the other people I interviewed on the hall, so would they! So lets get our acts together, Six South!!!


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