Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Ear canals and Supervisor Evals...

My left ear is still plugged. Tomorrow I'll go to the ashe center and see if they can do anything about unplugging it. Dratted thing. I'm almost deaf in that ear. How annoying.

I get to hang out with Totran again today. YAY! Hmm, dinner and ice cream. Yummy. I'd better call her.

I also have to go to that stupid access control meeting tonight. I'll find out what it's all about tho, for the summer and stuff. Eh. Oh, and I'm picking up the late LATE shift tonight (I'll get my bio reading done) so that I'll have saturday off. Good deal, I love Eddy for getting me out of that evil shift.

Hmm. I'm hungry. latahz!


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