Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Ever wanted to talke out a contract on someone(s)?

Okay, this is really fucking creeping me out. Boy (no names...said boy I am DATING right now) has acquired stalker-ish characteristics. Okay, it’s great that he is friends with many of my friends, and can talk to them... but when he relies upon them to call me and harangue me about being unreachable or not talking to him...THAT, in itself is wrong. If he wants to talk to me, he can CALL ME. And, if I am not in class, busy with friends, or in a meeting, or doing homework, I will CALL HIM BACK WHEN I GET A FREE MOMENT.

When he starts relying on my friends to be his guilt trip, that’s not fair to them. They are more than just “messengers” in some ridiculous relationship keystone cops routine. It is NOT okay for him to get Heather or my big sis Brooke to ask me WHY exactly I’m not including him in the “tuck-in” tonight...and have THEM tell me that he’s put out (why am I reminded of a sulky child?) about that fact. Maybe he hasn’t figured out that I HAVE A BLOODY LIFE OF MY OWN. Don’t USE my friends that way, you cretin! It’s not their job either to be my “mothers” or even my “watchdogs”. Sounds silly, doesn’t it? Well, I think it’s bullshit. (I hope my friends read this, because I’ll be telling them my opinion on this as well.)

And, that there is probably a GOOD REASON why I have not asked him to come to the tuck-in. Like maybe the fact that TUCK-IN is a big/lil sis event, and the guys you bring to it are Unattached for a REASON; it’s for the pledges to enjoy the “hot males” eye candy and have fun...not be some sort of weird “hi, this is a guy I’m dating, I’m gonna let him do semi-weird stuff with/to you, my little sis” kind of thing. NO. I refuse to do something like that with my future little sis. As far as I’m concerned, that is NOT something I’d do to any of my other sisters (Juliana included) so why would I do it to my lil sis? The dynamic friend/date thing is just not something I feel comfortable subjecting anyone to.

It’s making me furious. He needs to STOP being clingy, and GROW UP a Little. I Have a Life, responsibilities (one of which is studying and getting good grades, which takes up a LOT of my time...I am one who actually DOES have to study to get things’s not effortless for me...another is my sorority sisters AND my friends as well) and I’m not going to just drop them to call him EVERY SINGLE DAY because he thinks we’re having a “serious relationship”. Nuh-uh. That doesn’t cut the mustard, buddy. A couple of times a week is GREAT. Fun. Marvelous. I’m not against having dinner a couple times either. But I’m not going to write him into my schedule as an everyday event like “brushing my teeth” or “going to class”. Are you kidding me? HA!

If you haven’t discussed it with me, then DON’T ASSUME ANYTHING. How much more can I bloody well stress that? That’s called a LACK of communication, and it is NOT a good thing to start out a “relationship” with. Trust me, buddy. You aren’t getting off on the right foot with me. In fact, pretty soon you may not have any legs or feet to stand on. Using my friends? Harassing me? ASSUMING without any basis a “steady relationship”? I keep asking myself if this is a joke.

Plus, while video games are great, THEY ARE NOT AN EXTREMELY ENGAGING TOPIC of conversation. I DON’T care about all, really. They aren’t a, shall we say, INTEGRAL part of my life or even my interests. There are MANY other topics of very interesting subjects that are possible. (That I’d probably be more interested in.) If you have NOTHING else that you can talk to me about, then maybe we don’t have enough interests in common to be dating? I have many interests BESIDES computers and games. I am not one-dimensional. Plus, you’ll find that girls don’t really give a fucking damn about things like that. Most of them, at least. C’mon, you have to at least have a few other interests?!!

And to my friends; If I ask you to give me my stuff (like if I’m dumb and left it at your house)....just wait a few days if you have to, but YOU give it to me. Don’t give it to the guy that I’m dating because he’ll “see me sooner”. That can just lead to a WHOLE lot of relationship problems that I don’t want to deal with/have happen. Please. We are JUST dating. And while I don’t doubt boy-in-question’s integrity, It just makes life a LOT less complicated.

I dunno WHAT, exactly is making me so angry (maybe a little pms coupled with relationship stress), but I am NOT happy with it. I’m beginning to think it would be easier for me if I just didn’t go out with said guy. My life would be so much less complicated, without my friends trying to pressure me into something I may or may not want to do (go out with guy) with comments like “You’d make such a cute couple” blah blah blah. What if I DON’T CARE, guys? True, he’s a great friend, and fun, and all that, but MAYBE, just maybe Have you considered that I may not be as thrilled as YOU about the “relationship”?

I admit, I’m a private person. I’m not going to just volunteer info about what I consider my private life (this web journal perhaps being a GIANT exception to that) and I really don’t enjoy it being pried out of me. It’s okay with my friends...I don’t mind THAT much. After all, they care. But when things start to feel like the Spanish Inquisition...I’m not happy or comfortable or accepting of that. It’s a no-go, everyone. So why is it that they are bugging me about this “relationship”? Maybe I’m just reluctant to tell them, but it really seems like they never did this when any other of my friends was dating. Or, what about the one with a steady bf? Why doesn’t she go under the same inquisition process? What gives them the right, exactly, then, to do such a thing to me? I feel like a bug pinned under a microscope. I HATE THAT, DAMNIT.

IF you think this circus that has become my life is funny, just factor in some more stuff: My mom has been bugging me about financial aid and study overseas credit, as well as my housing and working arrangements for the summer...and I do mean NAGGING. Every Day.

Ever wanted to seriously take out a contract on someone(s)?

Welcome to my life.


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