Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Bestiality...and Dominatrixes!?!

Ahh. Once again, have returned from hookah and kabob night with the Douche...with no kabob this time. Turns out that the Gypsy was closed, so we went to Habibi and sat on the couches. Nice. Very relaxing. Somehow, I feel tired. Hum. Nice to be rescued from my computer binge (all day, since none yesterday) even if it was at like 122-4am in the morning! Ahhhh.

Sliced finger today. And had extremely fun aim conversations with big sis, as well as others. Will post, later when the head is not so heavy and am not feeling quite so languid.

Heh: funny quotes for the evening....

"Dude, they're like condoms for the feet!! They even have reservoirs and everything!!" -D on the blue toe socks (with sheep) that I got him

"Ewww...What the Hell?!? Fuckin' Dirty Sheep!!" -D (self explanatory)


Plans for Hallowe'en costumes now include: "Master Shake" from ATHF, and a dominatrix outfit for me. Which we plan on going to a sex shop somewhere, and making horrible innuendoes about (and letting the shop people think they are true) me liking leather and Douche liking chains. Oh, and the highlight of the evening, walking back from Hookah; getting dominatrix ideas from the funny sketcher's add at the bus stop on Gayley (must have police-type hat, skanky boots, garters and stockings..)...Laughing hysterically, and having the police car not-so-obviously drive by a couple of times, checking us, if we were drunk or not. Hee hee. Then, back to torture/pester the Egyptian, and watch funny videos of high drunken pirates. Ha ha, note to self: get drunk and high with Douche and Egyptian and Co. more often!!!

Aaand, I'm out!


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