Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Well, went to LA this last weekend. Had an absolutely lovely time, though I didn't get to have lunch with either Totran or Sarah, since my cell phone died right before I was about to call Toes again. DANGIT! I knew that I should have charged it that night. Fook me. It made it a bit difficult (what with leaving LA at 330, whoops) to call my new job and tell them I'd be late--basically I drove the 405 like a psycho, praying for not too much traffic, got off in carson city, used a pay phone at the gas station, and then got some munchies and drove straight to work.

New job is not bad. Actually, the time goes really quickly, as long as you're scheduling people appointments. It drags when you aren't having any luck scheduling people for interviews, however. I'm only a lowly JS1, so there's not that many expectations for me, as of now. I scheduled one appointment yesterday, and three today. whohoohoo! I really hope they all come to the interviews... THEN I get paid.

Mom is demanding that I wash the car, so I may have to come back to this at some other time.

I went to the library the other day. Hooray for crappy-ass summer reading! Now I can supplement the sheer enjoyment of "Emma" (Jane Austen) with other stuff.

Arrg, clean clothes must be sorted. I just wanna sit for HALF AN HOUR! That's all I ask, peepz.

Ah well. Tomorrow I work the call center and then sak's. I suspect I'll REALLY be mentally fried. here's hoping that I get to Sak's on time...

Cup of tea shall be my salvation. If only I had the time to drink it. I get no breaks, I tellya. Can I have just a few minutes to daydream, please?

Dang. (coworkers at NAASP would understand this one)


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