Saturday, July 09, 2005

Happy Saturday Hole

Happy Saturday!

Here am I, sitting once again in front of the infernal screen...goofing off. Well, okay, at least it's well-deserved goofing off, since I've made up my bed, cleaned off my dresser and room, and neatened up things in general. Oh, and I've packed for my weekend in LA...Hopefully I'll have a place to stay! Ooh, look, Jess is online. Well, I sent her a message, hopefully she'll respond sometime today. I hope.

Maybe I should call the house mom again and see if she can let me into the house. I need to bring my camera and get pictures of all the rooms---and my tape measure. Hmm. Plus I've got stuff that SHOULD go in the house....

Life is pretty peaceful. Yesterday I made a sign for my room next year. It's really cute, with the font that I used to write on it.

No word from Maureen sometime. Jeeze, the woman is hard to get ahold of. Why is she our house director, again? Oh, right, she's better than that LB-something-or-other woman.

Made myself a pot of tea this morning. Yum. It's taking me a while to drink, but it sure is good. It's the last of my tea from india or somewhere. Good black tea. Just plain black, of course. Not darjeeling or anything.

Haven't heard from Mouse in a while. Am so very tempted to write her a letter. Yep. I think that's going on my "to do" list for this weekend. Hangon, gotta find her a paper to write on... Which shall I choose?

Winny is non-communicada, so is toes (mostly)---but I can understand: she's working.

No response from Julie or Heather either. Jeeze, what am I, in a hole?

Guess so.

At least it's a peaceful hole.


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