Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Zip! ...wait, that was it?

Damn, was that it?

That was the Midterm?

You gotta be kidding me...

All right, it's official: I like Zimmer better. She doesn't try and fuck you up the ass with her tests--Unlike Shipe's tricky shit. Good deal. I think I actually did okay!

Today was busy. I actually managed to get in a nap though--so impressed with myself. AND, I read the chapter on animals and leafed through my lab book. Ooh, that reminds me. I've got to study for lab tomorrow...and call my lil sis. I don't think I can go bowling (since I've got to study for Astro 3) but I can have dinner, can't I?

Yahoo! Only one more to goooo!

Ha ha, sat through Astro with the worst cramps, so I took very little notes and GLARED (and I mean that) in the WORST way at the poor prof and hunching over, holding my tummy. He must have thought I was some sort of freaky bitch, ha ha ha ha! Then I saw him in line at Ackerman Market...I was buying painkillers for the cramps. Whups! Oh well....YAY! On another note, he's rescheduled the stunt ranch viewing trip to saturday!!!

Shit, am I supposed to go home then? Eeyikes. Well, I guess I could go home, and then come back saturday?



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