Friday, June 30, 2006

Dogs, Parakeets and life in the summer

Now done with my first week of class. Not so bad. Am running out of moola for bussing to and from, however. What I really need is to go home and pick up the back tire for my bike. I'd rather sweat a little than pay money to have to get to school. I think bussing will be reserved for exceptionally hot days, or if I'm injured or something.

Lil' one has headed off to europe. I hope that she has a great time. I really do. I just know she's going to come back with the coolest pictures and funny stories and memories....makes me sorta jealous. Ah well.

Slept better last night---the dog only woke me up once barking. We've been baby/pet sitting Pojack (farsi for puffball or something) for these two days. That thing is SO cute (pure pomeranian) when it's been shaved for the summer....but SOOOO spoiled. At least it knows "sit!"-- it certainly doesn't know how to obey any other command. And it begs if you're eating, thinking it might get some. HA. Wishful thinking, ya little booger! The only things it can really eat are a bit of chicken, or its doggie food.

Haha, dog thinks it's the biggest thing, what a yap. Y'know, it'd be a drop-kick dog, but it's too cute, and a bit to large for that sort of thing---it's a toy pomeranian.

I took him out walking yesterday---that lil' thing is a chick/people MAGNET. hahaha, i had one guy ask if he could have him for an hour, and another lady offer me like 10,000 for him. *snort* ahahhaha! Yeah right! He gets tired walking, and then you have to carry him. heehee, lazy spoiled dog!

Parakeet tulu is okay too, hopefully he'll go home this weekend. Since the dog barks at him, we've covered him up. He certainly screetches a lot. Extremely irritating.

Was so tired last night, I went to bed early. I think I needed the rest. For some reason, I just feel so DRAINED. Eurg.

Ah well, off to work/torture.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Either romance is Dead, or I'm in some sort of warped alternate reality...

It's damn hot today. After being rather cold and windy for much of yesterday, the difference is rather nice...except for the chance of sunburn. Stupid me, of course, i forgot to bring lunch. Marvelous. So, I'm starving. Whohoohoo.

Landlady came over and fixed the bathroom drain, and the kitchen light switch (which died) yesterday, since none of us could be there. Tub is much cleaner with the tilex scrubbing bubble foam shit applied regularly. The poor tub is so shot that it needs to be cleaned twice a week, I think. Joy. At least it's not foully disgusting anymore. I think that I've concluded that the problem with the shower is that the shower head isn't low flow, so it's overwhelming the tiny drain that we have in the tub, and causing the tub to partially fill while taking a shower. Marvelous. Oh, and the shower thing is permanently stuck (unless I apply a good sledgehammer to it) so you can't really take a bath....not that you'd really WANT to, but it would be nice to have the OPTION.

C kicked up such a stink about the landlady coming in while we were all gone to oversee the fixing... Jesus, you'd think that the lady was going to aid an abet anyone walking out with all our stuff. Such shit. She'd be liable for a lawsuit. Moron girl, was so rude to T, I and me. Annoying.

C'mon, I know you got burned once, but if you can't stay and oversee, and none of the rest of us can, well then, why are you bitching. Sliiiightly ridiculous, anyone? So you got robbed. Then take your shit with you! I did, and it was fine. Nothing got taken anyway...remember that whole liability/lawsuit thing? riiight.

I'm not going to drop my busy life just to stick around and oversee the workmen AND the landlady. I have CLASS. It's only for two weeks, and if I miss, I'm fucked. Shit goes fast in the summer session. Jesus, why can't she put off HER work and stay.


Had a bunch of people the other night. irina k, greg (fiance), denesse and jess. Was very nice, I caught a lot of flak on the douche (he lives a couple blocks away now, really close). Jeeze, peepz, I like him, but not like THAT. Eeeeesh. That's like incest.

Honestly, I think Tanya is just bored with her bf away on vacation, and for some reason has fixated on getting me laid. She's not getting any, and feels that someone should be getting some...transferance? Thanks so much, but I have some healthy self-respect, ya know? I'm not going to just go out there and fuck the first guy I meet. I prefer to have a relationship first, yes? Get to know someone. Actually be comfortable about having sex with them.

Virginity is not a disease, you know? I don't feel any real need to rush out and "get rid of" mine. Or catch some lovely disease because I feel socially influenced by the idiotic societal peer pressure around me. Thanks, I'll handle it. Just because I'm the only virgin in the apartment, does not mean I need some ass. So SomeOne lost it a little bit ago, big whoopie. I am not a groupie, following the trend (whatever idiotic thing it might be).

That's not to denigrate anyone who HAS lost their V-card. Good for you, hope you had a good time and it was an overall positive experience for you. I'd like my experience to be as well. So FUCK OFF. I'll handle it, wait for it, whatever I want. These things shouldn't be rushed--I'll be better off for it.

Anywhoo, mini-rant over there, I just wanted to say it was nice to have everyone over, but I wish people were not so priuriently interested in my sex life (or lack-thankyouverymuch-of one). So I haven't had IT? That doesn't mean I don't have SOME experience with intimate encounters....jeeze, y'all are acting like I'm some sort of nun who gave up her orders and desperately needs to get laid. I resent that attitude. So what if I'm a bit of a romantic and want a stable relationship or SOMETHING first, I want a little assurance that I'm not "putting out" for free--after all, the good shit in life is worth working for, right? And it ain't free either.

They all don't just put out, do they? See? I rest my point. Stop shoving boys at me. I'll find somebody just FINE. Grrrarrrrrrrrrrr.

Classes are okay, both good professors, 120A is really entertaining and loud. I'm glad I sit in the front with 135, since the lady professor is pretty quiet. Nice and interesting, though.

Am booooored. Need to check on the garden today, after section. Gotta go find it, since it's getting to be time to go to class.

Friday, June 23, 2006

in a rush today---so much to DO!

Well, have moved into new apartment. Aside from a few fixit projects here and there that need to get done soon (drawer handles on vanity, shower drain cloggage, etc.) I am feeling remarkably lazy. Hm.

The bike to school is very nice, uphill to, mostly downhill from. Will get more used to it--am determined to ride my bike as much as possible around here, to save on bus money and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Speaking of beautiful weather, I'm off to do dirt detail with the ucla garden crew. Wish me luck! Muah!